Ordering Your Sport Team Photos

Please allow 10-14 days after your son’s or daughter’s team has been photographed before the images are ready to be viewed and ordered


Click Here to View / Order Team Photos

Please be sure to select your son’s or daughter’s photos first before ordering.
What you see in the samples is what you are ordering.

Please have your team’s ORDER KEY ready.


There is a difference with our team and athlete photos.

Luke Photography can provide your team with very unique and original photographs of your team and individual athletes.  Don't think the team photos below are unique.  You might change your mind when you realize that each of these team photos was created from photos of the individual athletes.  Or that the majority of the individual athlete's photos were photographed in a studio, with creative digital work done afterwards to make them look like pro athletes.  If you can't tell which were done in the studio and which were done on location, I'm not going to tell you.

At Luke Photography, we believe that every athlete should be photographed like they are going on the cover of anational sports magazine, or in an advertisement for their favorite sports apparent or sports drink.  Make 'em look like professionals!  Parents are raving about the team and individual photos: 

"I just received my son's baseball pictures from the Fairport Modified A blue team.  They came out beautiful!"

"I just wanted to tell you that I LOVE the field hockey picture.  I can't wait to show it to my daughter!"

"FYI - I saw the baseball team pictures yesterday....they are GREAT...so happy we are using you for football next year."

"Your photographs of the boys on the banners were a big hit!  Parents were very pleased, and the junior parents have already asked for your info for next year."


Individual Athletes


Teams can be photographed in the traditional manner, with a little flair added (such as in the tennis team photo below), or they can be photographed in composite form, with the team photo being made up of many photos of individual athletes.  Several of the team photos below are obviously composites, and several more that look like traditional team photos are actually composites.  With the composite photos, the lighting on each and every athlete is perfect, and the best photo of each athlete can be used, so that the team looks as best as it can be.


These banners are designed for special events (such as Senior Night for Varsity sports) and are printed on vinyl with grommet holes for hanging.  Banners can be printed in various sizes, commonly 4 to 6 feet tall.  Team banners can be printed from the above show team portraits up to 10 feet wide.


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